Our SHIP program has been in use for 30 years, but this newest incarnation was rewritten to take full advantage of the .NET interface, while retaining legacy features such as function keys for instant function access.
SHIP is a full service ticketing program built to simplify & streamline scale-house procedures. Integration to the main business office means important updates are immediately reflected, reports are instantly available, and the scale-house operator has detailed truck assignment & management capabilities.
All-in-one Integration.
As a module in the Compass software suite, the Scale-House Integration Program (SHIP) empowers the operator, providing a window into cash sale pricing, delivery job sites and addresses, customer account data, purchase orders and other important information maintained in Compass Invoicing. Compass Invoicing will ensure that all scalehouses in your operation work with consistent account, product, and ‘cash sale’ material and delivery pricing information. SHIP is a comprehensive solution.
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Instant results.
Instantly weigh trucks and store their tare values. Ensure regulatory compliance with colour coded weigh-outs.

Delivery assignment.
Be proactive in managing your deliveries with the ‘delivery assignment’ function. Toggle instantly between this screen and ticket entry. With an assignment set up ahead of time, you can generate a delivery ticket with only a truck number *, and a scale readout. Done.
( * And in keeping with how we do things, you can access the truck by truck number, driver name, trucking firm or plate number. Supply any part of the identification and a list of matches will pop up, keylessly, for you to select. Each key stroke we can eliminate saves time and helps to speed trucks through.)
The ‘delivery assignment’ function provides an overview of all trucks available in your fleet or made available by brokers. You may enter multiple assignments, and then choose the appropriate one when truck is on the scale. If the product number is not known, leave it out, and complete at weigh out time.
The program also handles inbound check in, for dumping and landfill applications.
Finally, the dispatcher assignment function is fully integrated to the Order Management and scheduling function, where used.
Click on image below to expand.
Scalehouse Ticket review.
Obtain a grid list of the day’s tickets for instant review and correction *, or to void and reissue. (* Correction types are subject to corporate policy, and individual fields can be locked down. )
This function should be completed before releasing the day’s tickets to the business office.
Ticket reprint and other functions are also available here.
Click on image below to expand.
Shipping depot linked to central invoicing database.
Using Microsoft remote desktop and VPN service in head office:
- Train, coach or consult with dispatchers at supply depot.
- Run supply depot check-out remotely.
Easily add and update customer, job, product, and pricing info for all your scale-houses to use.
Consolidate tickets from all locations into a single invoice run.
Tamper-resistant ticketing.
Changes to tickets are logged and once released to the business office, tickets are locked from editing by the scalehouse.
Park a ticket.
Quick processing times for trucks as a ticket can be started as soon as a truck enters the lot, and then the ticket is “parked” until the truck is ready to weigh-out. Retrieval with a single function key.
Comprehensive scalehouse reporting.
From the business office or the scale-house, obtain detailed reports about products, pits, customers, and trucking. Daily summaries available for emailing * to customers or the transportation ministry. (* One button email is integrated throughout the Compass suite and uses preset contact information for the customer or job site.)
Maintain truck & trucker info
Maintain truck tares, GVW, insurance, driver and other information, as required, right from the scale-house.
Meet regulatory requirements with barcoding on printed tickets.
Manage automatic levy, tax, and surcharge calculations.
E-mail tickets to driver or job site foreman or post tickets to a central web based server.
Uncomplicated to add second or multi-line product charges and flat-rate trucking fees.
Integration with the Compass software suite:
Maximize SHIP’s utility with full integration within the Compass suite of modules including order management, job quotation, inventory, invoicing, and dashboard based analytics.
Compass Invoicing provides a full featured invoice, credit memo and ticket correction capability, as well as trucker statements for payment or internal accounting purposes.